Some Pennsylvania Vaccination Information and Locations

First, the disclaimer. I am not a doctor, nurse, healthcare worker, government official or scientist. I’m merely a concerned and enraged citizen, who was lucky enough to track down my shots at Crozer Medical Center in Pennsylvania. And I want the same for you. So I’m posting the list of vaccination sign-up sites and information sources that I collected while scouring the internet for a place to get our vaccination. Use it at your discretion, and remember that some of these links may have expired since I first located them. But keep searching, and send me new locations if you find them via the contact form. I will post them. 

Also, I will always be grateful to the responsive and professional staff at Crozer Medical Center who, three weeks ago, answered my chance email entreaty, giving us an hour to get to the hospital for our first shot. We then experienced Crozer’s human vaccine machine, calmly processing hundreds of people that day. Brava/o to all the healthcare workers who saved lives that day and every day. We owe you.


Crozer Medical Center:

CVS vaccination locations, U.S.:

Delaware Valley Community Health Sign-up Form:

Delaware Valley Community Health Vaccination Locations:

Delaware Valley Community Health Vaccination Locations:

Delaware Valley Community Health:

Holy Redeemer Hospital:

LaCon’s Pharmacy:

Main Line Health:

Map of PA vaccination locations:

Montgomery County Business Registry:

Montgomery County PA Resident Sign-up form:

PA Information Site. Scroll down for a map of Vaccine sites:

Pennsylvania Vaccine Eligibility Info:

Rann’s Pharmacy, Harleysville:

St. Luke’s Medical center: 

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health:

Tower Health, Chestnut Hill Hospital:

Weis Markets:

Whitemarsh Pharmacy: